Heeswijk Castle

Sometimes romantic, sometimes sinister, Heeswijk Castle evokes a palpable sense of both melancholy and wonder. Luc Eekhout, the museum’s director, says:“We like our visitors to interact while vis-iting the castle. We are offering guidedtours but everyone is also welcome todownload a guide app from our website.Also we are providing our visitors with tablets which they can use while exploringHeeswijk Castle.”
Furthermore, he notes that on mostSundays the castle offers a so-called re-enactment, a living history camp demon-strating medieval life. The castle doesits best to provide a variety of eventsthroughout the year, including exhibitionsand concerts. Heeswijk Castle brings the past to life, with a visceral reminder that battles, quests and chivalry are not the exclusive province of fantasy novels.
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